
Supporting the transition to lead-free bearings in large diesel engines:

the challenge for foundries


What’s Inside?

The EU has restricted the use of lead-containing bearings in diesel engines. This poses a challenge for engine makers, who traditionally used lead in bearings to achieve satisfactory engine reliability. Its qualities as a dry lubricant protected the bearings from particulate contaminants, such as those left over from the casting process (moulding sand, and residues from the binder and the coating itself).

To support the transition to lead-free bearings, SEMCO IC coatings are designed to significantly improve the removal of such casting debris from even the most complex of castings. In doing so, these coatings continue to set new standards when it comes to the ultra-low number of particles remaining in the as-cast condition.

The latest generation of SEMCO IC coatings is also formulated so that any remaining coating particles are softer than the bearings. This eliminates the risk of wear to the bearing from coating residue.

  • The lead-free bearing challenge
  • Lowering carbon emissions
  • Coatings for inner cleanliness

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